Empowering users with knowledge and productivity for their AI model usage.

The Organization

At RAGIDX, our mission is to enable users to get more out of AI models with custom document indexes.

We provide individuals and businesses with the resources they need for their AI model to answer questions better and perform tasks with more accuracy.

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Meet the Founder

Christoph C. Cemper

The visionary behind RAGIDX, understands the challenges faced by users trying to setup large document indexes and search engines and is passionate about providing innovative solutions. Driven by his desire to get the best results from technical resources, Christoph developed RAGIDX as a unique solution. He envisioned a platform that offers exceptional value through key differentiators.

A quick manifesto from our Founder

Hi. I’m Christoph, CEO of RAGIDX.

We embrace Humility and Passion.>

We embrace Humility and Passion. #

Our drive stems from unyielding passion, determination, and a keen sense of urgency.

We fuel Inspiration.>

We fuel Inspiration. #

We believe deeply in our mission, sparking inspiration in ourselves and others.

We impact through Unity.>

We impact through Unity. #

Every team member significantly shapes our collective dream, visible in our daily endeavors.

We lead by Example.>

We lead by Example. #

Inspiration flows from our actions, conversations, and positive team dynamics.

We deliver WOWs.>

We deliver WOWs. #

Meet Our Team

Christoph C. Cemper display picture

Christoph C. Cemper


RAGIDX is my Yin for the AI Yang. Whenever I see a 'chat with PDF' application I ask, and what's next? Having 1000s of documents of course, and nobody did that right. That's why RAGIDX was born. My most favorite prompts are very specific privately-adapted ones, and not shared (yet). But here are some that I like a lot:

Tibor Blaho display picture

Tibor Blaho

Software Development

Using ChatGPT without RAGIDX is like having a phone without apps. I can’t think of going back. My favorite prompts are:

Marian Gablovsky display picture

Marian Gablovsky

Software Development

With RAGIDX I can get answers without thinking about full recipe. I can also easily create my own prompts and collect of prompts from other users. My favorite prompts are:

What Makes RAGIDX Different

The visionary behind RAGIDX, understands the challenges faced by users trying to setup large document indexes and search engines.

Empowering AI with Knowledge

At RAGIDX, we are committed to empowering organizations or all sizes.

AI Tools to Grow

Access to our pre-built document clusters and search functions, with robust features are designed to be affordable, reliable, and versatile. We level the playing field, enabling every small businesses to compete and thrive in the digital landscape.

Explore our plans and features today to see what works for your specific needs.

Explore our plans and features today to see what works for your specific needs.